Frequently asked questions

When selecting sizes, we recommend that you follow the size chart provided with each product. We do our best to make the information in the chart as accurate as possible, but as we measure our products unstretched, slight variations in dimensions may occur. All sizes are subject to tolerances. The size chart can be found below the size selection for each product. When you click on the size chart label, the chart will be displayed.
Full product description can be found directly next to each product on our e-shop. The description can be found on the right side next to the picture. There you will find information on composition, sizes as well as information on volume and more.
We are sorry, unfortunately we do not create orders based on phone calls, as it is necessary to confirm your order and personal details in the last step of the ordering process.
If you are unable to continue with your order it is possible that a product has sold out in the meantime. We therefore recommend that you check the contents of your shopping cart. Once the unavailable product has been removed, the subsequent steps of the ordering process should load.
If the products you want are available in our online store and you are unable to add them to your basket or you are unable to create an order, the browser or device you are using may cause the problem. We therefore recommend that you try opening our site using a different device or browser (Google Chrome, for example, usually responds well).
Once you have placed your order, you will receive a confirmation email confirming receipt of your order. The confirmation email may be placed in the SPAM or ADS folders in your inbox, so we recommend you check these folders as well. A prerequisite for a correctly completed order is, first of all, a correctly entered e-mail address in your order. If you enter an incorrect e-mail address when filling in the e-mail address in your order, you will not receive a confirmation e-mail.
Once your order has been dispatched from our warehouse, you will receive a confirmation email to the email address you entered in your order stating that your order has been collected from our warehouse by a courier.
At the moment it is not possible to collect the goods in person. Of course, we are working on this possibility and in the future you will be able to pick up the goods directly in our brick-and-mortar store.
Add the goods to the cart. Write your code in the "Discount code" box and put it to use. The discount will be automatically applied.
The size that the model is wearing can be found in the product description next to the product picture above the size selection.
Random products are products that are found in our stock and may differ in some small ways from products that can be purchased for the full amount. These are products where you can choose a children's, women's or men's size, or which maker or brand you want the product from, as long as it is in our stock. Random products are not specially produced and cannot be ordered unless they are in stock. However, they are nice pieces at a great price.

Your satisfaction is important to us, so we strive to do our job to the best of our abilities every day. However, despite our best efforts, mistakes can happen. We are ready to make it right, so you can take advantage of the product exchange/return/refund option. Send the product back to us with the completed complaint form (complaint assistant) to the address for complaints. We will then register the claim and send you the size you requested or refund your money.

You can find the Complaints Assistant at the link below. You can access it by entering the order code (8 capital letters) and the email address you entered when you placed your order.

Print this form and insert it in the package with the goods.


It is very important that you include a claims assistant in your package, as it is used to properly register your claim or return.

Address for claims Slovakia:
GoMerch s.r.o.
Dukla quarter 1729
Dubnica nad Váhom 018 41

Address for complaints Czech Republic:
GoMerch s.r.o.
Svatopluka Čecha 44
Brno 612 00
Czech Republic

Please do not bring the goods in person. You can send it by post or courier company. To send the goods free of charge via parcel post (Packet), use the return code: 90015519. Dictate it to a member of staff at the parcel office and the goods will be returned to our e-shop automatically and free of charge.

Choose the country of delivery

Yes, we ship worldwide.

INSTAGRAM @evalunna.f